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Terms & Conditions

1) Introduction

Subject to the terms and conditions outlined in these website terms and conditions, the privacy policy, and any other pertinent terms and conditions, policies, and notices which may be applicable to a specific section or module of this website, the website owner, including subsidiaries and affiliates provides visitors with the information contained on this website or any of the pages comprising the website. Kindly take time to properly read this agreement. The following terms and conditions apply to you if you browse, access, or use this website, as well as any services or facilities made available via it, and/or if you transact through or on it.


2) Website Availability

o Maishwari may halt the Website for any reason, including planned maintenance, repairs, or upgrades, and will not be held responsible to you for any such halt.

o Maishwari has the right to modify the website at any time or to stop offering any of its features without prior notice.

o Maishwari, in its sole opinion, determines that you are using the Website in an illegal, unauthorized, or otherwise violates these Terms, Maishwari reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary, including immediately terminating your use of the Website and, in the event of an illegal use, bringing legal action.

3) Your Status

When you use the Website to place an order to buy Products (Order), you guarantee that:

o You possess the legal capacity to sign legally binding contracts; and

o You are at least eighteen years of age.


4) The Contract Between You and Us

o Following your order placement, Maishwari will send you an email confirming receipt of your order. Kindly be aware that this does not imply that we have accepted your order. As soon as the order is approved, an email confirmation is issued.

o To be clear, your agreement with Maishwari solely concerns your usage of the Website and the Services offered there.


5) Credit Card Payment

You need to use your own credit card while making a credit card transaction. If there is any credit card fraud, we won't be held responsible. The user will bear the responsibility for any fraudulent use of a card, and it will be their exclusive responsibility to "prove otherwise."

6) Trademarks

The website owner and the suppliers of the items mentioned on the website own the registered and unregistered trademarks, names, logos, and service marks (collectively, "trademarks") shown on this website. Nothing on this website should be interpreted as giving anybody the right or license to use any trademark without the website owner's prior written consent.

7) External Links

For your convenience, there may be connections to external websites; however, the website owner has no control over these links and makes no representations regarding their content. You assume all risk when using or relying on any such links and the material they offer. You must review the terms and conditions of use on every external website you visit by clicking on an external link. Without the express prior written consent of the website owner, no hypertext connections to this website may be built from any other website that you own. If you would like to request a link to your website or would want to link to this website, please email us at

8) Specific Use

You additionally consent to refrain from using the website to send or post any messages or materials that are illegal, harassing, defamatory, abusive, indecent, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, racially offensive, profane, pornographic, or that violate any applicable laws. You also agree to indemnify the website owner against any loss, liability, damage, or expense of any kind that the owner of the website or any third party may incur as a result of your use of the website to send or post any messages or materials that fall under this category.


9) Refund Policy

Items that you return to us due to defects will be fully repaid, including the usual delivery fees you paid to send the item back to us. We won't give you a refund for used or opened goods. Every reimbursement will be started with an RTGS or NEFT bank transfer.

10) Disclaimer of Liability

The Website Owner shall not be responsible for and DISCLAIMS all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party (including your company), as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to your access and use of the website, any information contained on the website, your or your company's personal information or material and information transmitted over our system. In PARTICULAR, neither the Website Owner nor any third party or data or content provider shall be liable in any way to you or to any other person, firm or corporation whatsoever for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever arising from any delays, inaccuracies, errors in, or omission of any share price information or the transmission thereof, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon or occasioned thereby or by reason of non-performance or interruption, or termination thereof. 


11)  User of the Website

The owner of the website disclaims all warranties and representations regarding the suitability of the content for use in any jurisdiction (apart from India). You guarantee and signify to the website owner that you are authorized by law to visit the website and use the content made accessible on it.

12) No Commercial Use

This Website is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, commercially exploit, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any content, software, products, or services contained within this site. You may not use this site, or any of its content, to further any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation activity on your own site.


13) Visitor Registration

Visitors will need to register with the Website in order to use some of the services or features made available on this Website. When you register, you are required to provide information about yourself that is true, accurate, current and complete in all respects. Should any of your registration information change, please notify us immediately via e-mail at . We may change registration requirements from time to time.


14) General

  • Entire Agreement

Regarding your use of the website, the agreement between you and the website owner is contained solely in these terms and conditions. Any guarantee, warranty, promise, or similar term not expressly stated above shall not bind you or the owner of this website. These website terms and conditions, unless otherwise indicated, supersede and replace any and all previous written or oral agreements, promises, or representations made by you and the website owner regarding your use of the website.

  • Modification​

Any applicable terms and conditions, rules, or notices may be changed at any time by the website owner. You understand that by periodically visiting the website, you will be bound to the most recent version of the applicable terms and conditions (the "current version"), and all prior versions will be superseded by the current version unless otherwise specified in the current version. Every time you access the website, you are in charge of checking the most recent version.

  • Conflict

The other pertinent terms and conditions, policies, or notices that specifically relate to a particular section or module of the website shall prevail with regard to your use of the relevant section or module of the website in the event that any conflict or contradiction arises between the provisions of these website terms and conditions and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies, or notices.

  • Released

Any indulgence or time extension that you or the owner of the website may give to each other will not be considered a waiver of or restriction on any of the grantor's current or future rights under the provisions of this agreement, whether by estoppel or otherwise, unless and until the grantor has executed a formal agreement specifically waiving or restricting such rights.

  • Breakdown

The owner of the website has the right to transfer, assign, and delegate to any third party all or all of its rights and responsibilities under any applicable terms and conditions, policies, and notices.

  • Ability to Sever

Regardless of how they have been linguistically grouped or linked together, all of the terms and conditions, policies, and notifications that apply are severable from one another. Any clause in any applicable policy, notice, or terms and conditions that is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction for any reason—void, invalid, illegal, unlawful, or for any other reason—shall be treated as pro non scripto in that jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is unenforceable, with all other terms and conditions, policies, and notices remaining fully operative.

  • Relevant

Without regard to any conflict of law rules, the laws of India shall govern and be construed in line with any applicable terms and conditions, policies, and notifications. By using this website, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian courts for any disputes arising out of or relating to any of the applicable terms and conditions, policies, notices, or other material to or in relation to it.

  • Remarks or inquiries

Please email us at with any queries, suggestions, or grievances you may have regarding the website or any other pertinent terms and conditions, policies, or notices.


15) Provides T&C

  • The offer is only valid for one client per day.

  • If there is a freebie offer (if it is active), the free product must be added to the basket when using the coupon.

  • It is not possible to combine two offers.

  • Offer validity varies based on the kind of offer and will be communicated via the appropriate means.

  • Should the goods being offered run out of stock, the firm has the right to cancel the order.

  • The business is free to choose its own items and offers, to stop or continue them at any time 

  • A promotional offer is only good during the period that it is validated.

  • The consumer will not be presented with any cash options.

  • The promotional deal is only valid on the specified day and time.

  • The Company has the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify the terms and conditions of any offer or to withdraw it entirely.

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